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Showing posts from May, 2019

Dust to Dust

I enjoy walking with my dog, Coal, in the cemetery of my church which is a few hundred yards from my house. It has recently been blacktopped and is very convenient, and has plenty of room for my dog to run without getting into trouble. As I walk, I enjoy looking at tombstones. This is something that has always intrigued me, even as a child. I like to imagine the stories behind those who are buried there. I have always enjoyed history, so I find it interesting to look at the stones and imagine what life was like during earlier times. I see families who are buried next to one another, the death years too close to the birth years. The mothers and fathers, the children who were born and died the same day or year. The baby who was born and died soon after, a few years back, but the parents who were unable to afford a tombstone for her until just recently. The graves that are decorated a little like gaudy store window displays, because the ones remaining here on earth are at a loss about